New Year, New Meeting!

Photo by cottonbro on

Happy New Year and welcome to 2022!

We have made it through another strange year and here is to hoping that this year will be much better.  

Looking to 2022 and the Northwest Chapter, I would like to hold our first meeting of the year on Sunday, January 16th at 1:00 pm.   This meeting will be via Zoom, since we are still under the influence of the recent COVID variant.  

The first order of business in the meeting will be electing officers for the next year.   If anyone is interested in running for President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, please let me know and I will add you to the ballot.  I will continue as President and Treasurer if wanted and Susi Kamin has been nominated as Vice President, and Susan Wilson as Secretary.

At the December meeting we had talked about having a holiday get-together early this year.  Along with a new year challenge.  A challenge idea was to take one or more unfinished projects (we all have those) and transform it into something new.   What do you think.     We can talk about this more at the meeting. 

I would like everyone to think of things FSG can do this year, workshops, get togethers or other,  Maybe even a small show where we can show and share our work.    Please bring some thoughts to the meeting. 

I hope to see everyone on Sunday, January 16th at 1pm.   I will send the Zoom invitation out on Saturday so watch your email.

If you have any questions, please let me know. 

See you then. 


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