June Meeting and News

lemon iced tea with lemon fruits
lemon iced tea with lemon fruits
Photo by Barbara Webb on Pexels.com

A Letter from the FSGNW Chapter President

On May 17th, the NorthWest Chapter had our first virtual meeting via Zoom.   Though it was not the same as getting together at the studio, it was great to see everyone again.  During these uncertain times, the NW Chapter has not been able to have our regular meetings, demonstrations or workshops.  

While the workshops and demonstrations are still on hold for a while, we will be able to hold our monthly meetings via Zoom.  

June Meeting Announcement

The next FSGNW Meeting will be held on June 13th at 1:00 p.m.   This meeting will be held via Zoom.    If you are not a current FSGNW member and would like to attend the meeting,  please contact  Starr Payne at tallybdr@yahoo.com for an invitation. 

FSG Statewide News

All of the Executive Director’s duties and responsibilities have been distributed among the current Executive Board President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  The Webmaster and Newsletter Editor were given additional responsibilities and two new volunteer positions were added to the Executive Board.  These positions include a Membership Coordinator and Social Media Coordinator. 

The Executive Board also decided to make a few changes to some of the FSG programs.   These include discontinuing the Corporate Lending Library.  Instead the books and DVDs are being offered to Chapters for their Libraries, with any remaining items to be put up for sale to members.   Also discontinued will be the Anita London display case at the Morean Art Center, and the sale of the Tips and Tricks booklet. However, beginning with the 2021 Membership year, the Tips and Tricks booklet will be included as part of your FSG membership.

These changes to the management of FSG require a lot more of our Executive Board volunteers, and they have willingly stepped up to accept the challenge.   With that I would like to welcome two new members to the Executive Board.   Clara DaCosta Limeira as Treasurer and Kathy Kronoff as Secretary.

I want to thank everyone for their continued support of FSG and the NW Chapter, and I hope to see you at our next meeting on June 13th at 1:00 pm via Zoom. 

Thank you 

Starr Payne
